Saturday, December 2, 2006

Sunday morning Quarterbacking

Yes, considering the unintentional and unwanted "theme" of the date I thought the quarterbacking term was appropriate. Okay so what do I think of what just happened? Hmmmm, yes he's still cute. Yes, he was fun to talk to. Yes, we definitely had chemistry on the phone, in texts and in emails. But what about in person?

I have a history of kind of just falling into relationships. The first time I went out with my twenty something boyfriend I came home and told my roommate "Yeah, he was nice but I don't think I'll go out with him again." That was when I was 22 and I ended up dating him on and off until I was 32. Why? Because he asked again...and again...and again. The next significant relationship I had I thought of reasons monthly why it wasn't going to work and vowed monthly not to continue it. But did. Why? Because I liked him a lot and kind of just ignored that still small voice (my mother's term)that told me to knock it off.

Okay so what about this one? The inattention football thing? Annoying but typical. The no reading since high school thing? Borderline dealbreaker. The ex wife thing? Probably a huge red flag waving right in front of my face. The not "quite" divorced yet thing? Shows this man is just not available. So just stop Miss Match. But he was cute! Just stop!

Okay so raised to be polite and mannerly to a fault I email and say "Thank you for the good time" and nothing.... not a peep....huh? After all those texts nothing? I'm ticked off for a couple of days until I realize..

1) I'm ticked because I hate the fact that he made the decision not to continue the conversation when I was thinking the same thing. Kind of an immature "I'm sorry you dumped me, I wanted to dump you first" thing.


2) I was comfortable with how it was going because it was just a continuation of the relationship that just ended. It was easy and familiar.

Okay sometimes self-awareness is slightly uncomfortable but good. Okay I've been talking to this other guy too. Let's try this again.......

1 comment:

hopemcp said...

Go back and reread "The Date." As one of your on-air commentators, I can safely say he's carrying so much baggage that if he made it to the 50-yard line, the field behind him would be completely churned up by the mess he's got in tow.

Ah, well.