Friday, December 8, 2006

Mr. Cranky Pants

So yes the date with Harry Potter went well but I've put all my eggs in one basket before and lived to regret it. So while I was talking to the Cute One, The Librarian and Harry Potter, I was also talking to the Construction guy.

He is 42, blond, well-built and divorced (really truely!) with a 14 year old living east of the mountains. I really can't remember if I winked or he did but we were having some email conversation. He seemed very sweet and sensitive. After a period of time we exchanged IM ID's and phone numbers.

So our first conversation was a bit stilted. He did say he is very shy so I spent a lot of time pulling information out of him. I asked about his experience on Match. He told me he went out with one woman and she ended up stalking him....huh? Really? He has a restraining order...really? Huh! She keyed his car? Huh! She drives past his house? Huh? And on and on and on.

So sensing his irritation level is going up I ask about his daughter. She's 14, he loves her and she lives east of the mountains. Okay good so far.....he hates his ex-wife....really? Huh! She keeps his daughter from him...really? Huh? She can't make a decision to save her soul? Huh! She procrastinates....hmmm okay? Ummmm I make up an excuse and end the call. Okay so maybe he's in a bad mood?? We talk the next night and the same thing. So not really enjoying talking to him I kind of back off. I'm allowed to do this right? I haven't even met the man....right?

He emails and tells me he knows I'm online because it says so and why am I not answering him ?(Match shows when you're online...a bit irritating) I email back and tell him I was online only briefly. Later I hide my profile (you can do this so people don't know you've checked them out) and forget to turn it back on. Whamo! He sends me an email says I've hidden my profile so I must have found Mr. Right...good luck. I email back and say just forgot to turn it on. So he persists and asks about a date and I give in thinking maybe in person he'll be more cheeerful?? I throw out a couple of dates and he can't make a decision. Finally he says this Match thing isn't working for him and I say "okay and bye-bye". After a few more attempts on his part to contact me he gives up.

So let's get this straight he got stalked, hates procastinators and people who can't make a decision?? Isn't that what he did to me? Sigh.....okay well there's a new guy I'll try....... Banjo Boy!

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